Probiotics 101

It's almost universally agreed upon that probiotics are beneficial to your gut. Without the tremendous amount of bacteria covering our bodies inside and out, a lot of which is friendly, we would very quickly pass away.

Probiotics is no where near a perfect science yet, but certain cultures have had probiotic foods as staples of their diets for generations with little to no documented negative side affects. Kimchi in many parts of Asia. Raw yogurt, cheese, and milk throughout Europe and raw sauerkraut in the United States.

Health Benefits

Certain strains are showing to have different or complimentary health benefits. Possible health benefits:

  • Urinary Tract Health
  • Crohn's disease and Irritable Bowel Syndrome Improved
  • Oral Health
  • Strep throat and Tonsillitis Defense
  • Emotional Well Being
  • Improved Brain Activity (fun fact there's neurons in our guts)
  • Diarrhea/Constipation Remedy
  • Treatment of Yeast Infection and Bacterial Vaginosis
  • Defense from Infection and Pathogens
  • Relief from Acne and Eczema
  • Improved Allergies
  • Anti-Inflammatory and in Effect Anti-Aging

For strains, no matter which strain if the live organisms count isn't in the billions it's most likely not going to be effective. Lactobacillus (the most researched strain) acidophilus and bifidobacteria are the most common types.

Dosage is a question I've been really actively looking into. Some self proclaimed experts suggest to take 10-15 times the recommended dosage (which my spider sense is telling me that's mainly because they sell probiotics! ha). Personally I recommend taking twice the recommended dosage to colonize for the first week or way better take approximately 25 billion organisms of the most diverse strains (while still good quality) you can find for the benefits you're looking for.

Currently experimenting with different types/brands of probiotics and I'll go into more depth on the benefits for each strain and a few good brands in the near future.

Let me know which brands you use and what your favorite strains are that you've had success with in the comments!

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