Episode 2: 60 Second Paleo

Second episode of 60 Second Paleo!

In the process of enhancing the audio quality. Thank you for the feedback!


This is 60 Second Paleo, I'm Roman. Today I want to talk about multi vitamins. A lot of the multi vitamins you'll find at the everyday convenience store/grocery store, is quite possibly doing more harm than good. When looking for a multi vitamin you really want to look at the quality of the brand and you also want to know the optimal form of the vitamin or mineral you're trying to get. You'll also want to watch out for fillers. There's actually, for a reason that's beyond me, a lot of multi vitamins have gluten in them. So the three most optimal things to do would be: either well research you're multi vitamin and make sure everything's on point. Or do the same thing with you're diet which would need to be extremely on point. The third thing would be to buy the vitamins/minerals separately in the most optimal form. And that's your 60 seconds for today.

Episode 1: 60 Second Paleo

First of many 60 seconds of Paleo!
I'll also be doing a Q&A so feel free to send your burning questions, comments, love, primal hate, why you feel veganism is better or anything to buidingbetterquestions@gmail.com

This is 60 Second Paleo, I'm Roman. Today I want to talk about how, if you've just started a paleo diet, and you're not getting the results you're looking for, you should really look into where you're sourcing your beef from. Hopefully you are eating beef. Compared to grain fed, grass fed has a lot of benefits within the saturated fat. It has more omega 3 fatty acids. Which is important for nerve tissue, it will help with strees and control with metabolic processes. It will also help with cortisol by improving your ratio of omega 3 to 6. It also has more CLA which is a trans fat, one of the few good ones, that improves brain function. It'll help with weight loss and weight regulation and it's been shown to reduce your risk of cancer. It also more vitamins, both water and fat soluble. More anti oxidants and trace minerals. And that's your 60 seconds for today, peace!