Pros and Cons of Eating Paleo

While paleo is one of the most effective ways of eating for many reasons, anybody who says there isn't any downsides are diluting themselves.

Here's a basic chart of the common pros and cons:

(things that you might experience when going on the Paleo diet)
(the good stuff that happens to most people on the Paleo diet and might also happen to you!)
  • Missing foods (grains, sugar, dairy, soy, peanut, processed foods, artificial sweetener, alcohol)
  • Asking more questions about ingredients in a dish and requesting substitutions when eating out
  • Changing your eating habits
  • Possibly experiencing some side effects at the beginning (fatigue, cravings, headache, constipation, bloating…)
  • Having people asking questions when you say “no” to some food at family gatherings or at work
  • Meeting with your doctor to discuss things (especially if you have a medical condition or take prescribed medications)
  • Reducing your cravings
  • controlling your sweet tooth
  • Stabilizing your blood sugars
    and energy levels
  • Losing weight (if needed)
  • Getting healthier
    • ↓ triglycerides
    • ­↑ HDL cholesterol
    • ↓ A1C & ↓ blood sugars
    • ↓ blood pressure
  • Controlling your autoimmune condition(Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, celiac disease, vitiligo…)
  • Improving your gastrointestinal health (IBS, GERD, intolerances…)
  • Having such good results that your friends, colleagues and family ask you how you did it!
  • Spending less time grocery shopping (no need to read labels when you buy real, unprocessed food!)

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