Hack Reading

Some people, myself included, have learned the skill of speed reading. I prefer to simply hack the whole process.

If it's on the internet in digital format and can be copied, put it into here: http://spreeder.com/app.php?intro=1
Sit comfortably, relax, don't attempt to read inside your head and simply let the words flash in front of you at a word per minute pace that makes the inner monologue impossible. After a small adjustment period you will become an accomplished digital speed reader.

For hard copy reading:

  1. Use a finger or even better pen to eliminate back-skipping and keep your eyes from fixating to long
  2. Begin three words in from the line rather than the beginning, use your whole line of vision
  3. Let yourself practice without overly concerning with comprehension at first, most people need a little time to adjust.
  4. Use basic variables (i.e time yourself, later test your comprehension) to insure you're making improvements

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