Tooth Decay and Self Repair

This is a subject that's really close to my heart, about equally close to my brain also (because it's my teeth haa). My experience is that at one point I had ten cavities, knowing absolutely nothing (except that I didn't want mercury in my mouth) I went and got six composite fillings. I didn't have dental insurance at the time so after that I stopped and it happened to be the same time that I was experimenting with the paleo diet. End of this story is it may sound crazy (I don't believe this idea has become very "main stream") but I currently have no cavities, my enamel is quite strong compared to being very sensitive to things like cold, and not only that also some of my six fillings are coming out on their own with little remaining holes (dentists drill a large hole in your tooth before placing the filling)
Now let's go through my experiments and others so you can duplicate my results.

First thing I did was research, no matter how crazy it seemed, if it was inexpensive and I didn't think it would cause permanent damage I'd look into it. The things that I found the most effective are:

  • Vitamin K (or even better K2)
  • Vitamin D (I tend to not use or endorse pasteurized dairy even if it's tolerated, supplementation is best)
  • Magnesium (favorite way for this is epsom salt baths, which has many benefits)
  • Vitamin E (NOT from grains, I'll explain more in another post)
  • Vitamin A (cod oil is great for this and also has D, EPA, DHA)
  • Get as close to completely cutting grains and simply sugars as possible (if you can't live without them go back to eating as you please after the majority of cavities/decay is gone)
  • Brush and swish mouth with a low grad (no higher than 3%) hydrogen peroxide (can also use fluoride if you wish to, I couldn't quantify any difference)
  • Have as little processed (industrially processed that is) food and additives as possible
  • As these vitamins are fat soluble make sure you're getting enough fat when taking these in supplement form (I recommend grass fed butter and grass fed beef or coconut oil. If that's not available wild caught low mercury sea food i.e. salmon or extra virgin olive oil)
That's the overview and I had a lot of success with it. Hesitate to say the doses of the supplements but to be frank to get these benefits you need supplements from good quality sources and I was taking a lot more than the "DV%". Check out Dave Aspreys article on supplements for a general idea on amounts of the above and adjust as necessary: Upgrade Your Energy Supply: Optimize Your Supplements

On my research journey I read a good article with more detail on dental practice and the theories of tooth decay: Natural Tooth Cure for Curing Cavities and Preventing Root Canals

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